Deaniacs please shut up or get out
Dean would have gotten his ass kicked even harder than Kerry. I used to be a big fan of Howard Dean's when he headed the governors' association. Then he entered the primary and pursued a scorched earth policy that continues with his supporters' anti-democratic statements today. What is it with the Deaneacs' hateful and unfounded comments towards other Democrats? Why don't they start their own party if they hate leaders like Kerry and Clinton? If Dean was such a badass than he wouldn't have gone down so hard in the primaries. Kerry fought a good campaign in both the primaries and the general election. Dean had all the money, all the media attention and all the momentum. In the end, Dean was defeated because he was just another politician saying whatever it took to get elected. Now, I am not naive enough to believe there are any national political leaders that are able to speak entirely from the heart while still hoping to be elected and I don't think less of Howard Dean for doing the same. What I do have a problem with is Dean's self-righteous bullshit that he was actually a candidate that was speaking only the truth from his heart. The truth is that Howard Dean was probably watching t.v. before our invasion of Iraq, saw the thousands of anti-war protesters in city streets across the country and decided that those energized masses were the key to his electoral victory. He suddenly became the anti-war candidate and 'the only one that was speaking out against the Iraq war' (oh yeah, because Kucinich wasn't in Baghdad in March proclaiming that he didn't see any evidence of WMD). Then he was 'the only candidate from the democratic wing of the Democratic Party' (right, because Al Sharpton doesn't belong to that wing as well). In fact it can be argued that if Dean's smoke and mirrors campaign hadn't pushed the primary battle onto anti-war footing, Kerry and Edwards never would have had to vote against the $87 Billion supplemental spending package which was probably the death-nail in their campaign against Bush. Howard Dean is an intelligent guy and shares many of my political views, but he is a politician just like everybody else running for office. For the Deaniacs so enamored with Dean's independent, uncanny, earth-shattering political views there is good news; you can run him again in less than 3 years. Either way it does not help our cause as Democrats to continually hear the wining of his supporters. Either get on board and let's find a way to work together or GET OUT OF THE PARTY.

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