Another Flat out Lie by W. Inc.
So the current administration is full of it and can't be trusted to tell the truth...nothing new here. However, here's a recent statement that is a clear lie that you may have missed. In Bush's latest campaign/terrorism speech he defended the use of coercive interrogation by saying that such techniques, specifically waterboarding, revealed valuable intelligence during the interrogation of al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah. Bush stated that Zubaydah, who initially refused to cooperate, later revealed that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a key figure in the 9/11 attacks, used the alias "Mukhtar." This information, according to Bush, "was a vital piece of the puzzle that helped our intelligence community pursue KSM." According to a fact sheet released by the Director of National Intelligence, Zubaydah was captured in MARCH 2002. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, however, the CIA learned this information in AUGUST 2001. From page 277: "The final piece of the puzzle arrived at the CIA's Bin Ladin unit on August 28 [2001] in a cable reporting that KSM's nickname was Mukhtar." It is still so difficult for me to believe that while all of these Republicans actually impeached our previous president for supposedly for "lying" absolutely none of them are even upset by the laundry list of flat out lies that we continue to be told by this president, let alone the one that was going to "restore honor and integrity" to the White House. Do Americans really have that bad of a memory? We'll it turns out that they just might, considering that 30% of us can't even remember what year 9/11 happened in.;_ylt=ArnrtaXH3JkyylylP
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