You know I'm on board, KERRY IN 2008!
I am an avid John Kerry supporter and will gladly help lead his effort in '08 if he choices to run again. He will make an incredible President. He has the intelligence, the gravitas (don't you love how this word only appears in the American vocabulary every four years) and the leadership abilities to lead this country in a truly awesome direction. He was my first choice since '01 when I was at the base of the capitol watching W. Inc. get inaguarated and he is my first choice now. For all of the people that I hear saying he ran a "terrible" campaign I have yet to hear a comprehensive strategy on what he should have done instead. The Democratic Party is running a terrible show and the Republicans are firing on all cylinders. Don't go blaming it on any individual candidates when they don't even have a strong Party backing them up. This is a team game we are playing and our TEAM needs to get its act together. We will need to develop a clear theme(s) from which to build our messages upon as well as our own destruction machine in order to gain back the majority (you'll hear more on these points from me later). For all of the talk of other candidates I seem to remember a pretty fantastic slate of them running in the last primaries and Kerry clobbered them all. He did this because he ran a kick-ass campaign. I was in Iowa from Nov. through the caucuses volunteering for Kerry and he won because he had the best message and the best field organization. When Kerry was down in the polls by 18 points in IA and by 22 points in NH did he quit? Did he decide to skip Iowa and focus on the later primaries? Hell No. He took out a second mortgage on his house, brought on new staff and dug in. Let me repeat; down 22 points in NH, written off by the media, goes $6,000,000 further into debt (I don't care how much money his wife has, that takes balls). If that isn't a sign of a true leader than I don't know what is.